Sunday, August 2, 2009

I don't believe people!!

So I'm driving to work on Monday morning and I'm flying along in the left hand lane as usual. Some jerk zooms up next to me in the middle lane and I move up a little closer to the car in front of me so this guy doesn't try to cut me off. I guess I left him too much room because he cut me off anyway. And when I say cut me off I don't mean just moved in front of me, I mean came over with inches between himself and the car that was in front of me and even less space between his car and mine. I'm annoyed so i honk my horn. Now we're one for one, he cut me off so I lay on my horn. Then this jackass stomps on his breaks. Seriously, what goes thru your mind when you cut someone off with so little space that they honk and you slam on your breaks?? I'm annoyed and now we're going a lot slower so I back off a bit and when I see a break in the middle lane I move over and go around him. Now I'm aware it's not the most appropriate response but I was mad and it wasn't hurting anyone.... I flipped him off on my way by. Now we're two for two, he stomped his breaks and got the finger. I kid you not, as i went by his passenger sits up and opens the window. The driver speeds up and gets back behind me. I get back in the left lane and so does he. I realize my exit is coming up so back to the middle lane and he follows. I get over into the right lane and he does too. Now I'm getting a bit scared. I get in the exit lane and he comes over behind me. What are the chances that this ass is going the same direction I am?? I lock my doors. I get off my exit and get in the right lane for south bound. He speeds up and gets next to me in the north bound lane and the passenger throws something that bounces off the back of my car! I'm not supid enough to pull over right there so I wait until I get to work to asses the damage. Thankfully nothing was wrong with my car but I cannot believe someone actually threw something at me!!

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