Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How do you meet new people?

It's a question a lot of people ask and tonight i think i may have stumbled upon your answer. People always say "where do you go to meet people" and "you won't meet someone sitting home on your couch". The answer is accept invitations, all of them, unless you really do have something else you should be doing or the invitation isn't something that's safe or healthy.

For example today after work i was going to a friends to pack up a lot of my stuff to move tomorrow (putting some of my stuff in a storage unit) and it didn't sound like a great Friday night but at least I'd be productive. Well our department was dismissed early from work and some co-workers wanted to go for a drink and i happened to stumble into the conversation. I was asked to go and at first i started to say no and then changed my mind. Yes my stuff needed to get done but i could go for an hour right? Well one hour turned into two and then three and well let's just say it's five hours later. But the best part is i did something i hadn't planned on doing tonight, i made a friend. Another co-worker had stumbled into the same "let's go for drinks" conversation and even tho (like me) it wasn't her crowd she decided what the heck and joined us. Well long after everyone poops out and goes home we sit and talk, then walk around and shop and then go for coffee. She's a truly awesome person, someone i have a lot in common with. And even tho I'm starting to pack at 11:15 on a Friday night (and am going to hate my life in the early AM) it was so worth it.

My point? Go! When you are asked, GO! Even if it sounds boring. If you show up and it is, then you've only wasted what, a half hour of your life? But if you're invited and you truly have no where else you NEED to be then go. Cause who knows, one person may bring their friends who runs into their friend and maybe you'll hit it off. It could be a romance or just a new person you have a lot in common with. But it's totally worth it to meet new people, and at least this way it's not like the bar or internet where you start from nothing, at least this person has some conversation starter (when did you start in this dept, how long have you known so and so, etc). It beats sitting home and hoping mr/mrs right is gonna walk into your living room looking for you. Or sitting at a bar seeing someone attractive only to watch their other half come back from the bathroom and put their arms around your cutie. At least this way you're not there looking for anything more than drinks w/ friends (or whatever the invite may be) and won't be disappointed if that's all it turns out to be (instead of being at a bar looking for someone to go home w/ and having no luck). So go ahead, put yourself out there, if you do you're sure to meet some awesome new people...

(another one from the achieves that stands true today, originally posted to MySpace in 2006)

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