Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wise People Wednesday

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing – that's why we recommend it daily.
~ Zig Ziglar

This quote has special meaning to me today. I have a 7-9 can of soda per day habit. I know... I know... A girlfriend of mine came up to me at work this past Friday and read me some article that said: "Women who drink two or more cans of soda pop per day are at an increased risk of developing early kidney disease, according to a new study." I don't remember what she was reading but it didn't surprise me. She started giving me crap about my habit so I looked her in the face and said "I'll give up soda if you give up smoking." She laughed and walked away. To my surprise she approached me on Monday and said "if you are serious you've got a deal." We walk out on the balcony and she finishes her last cigarette as I finish the can of soda I was working on. And that was that. Two days later she's annoyed with friends who light up in front of her and I've got one wicked caffeine headache but we're doing it. We decided that the winner gets to pick lunch and the loser gets to pay. I'm fully aware that I've got the easy side of this deal. I know that what she's giving up, a 10 year smoking habit, is much harder than what I've got to do. So when I win, and I know I will, I'm not going to pick anything expensive and then I'm going to challenge her again, and again, and again. Because if I can get one person to stop smoking then I'm gonna do what I gotta do.

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